bokeh photography of person carrying soil
bokeh photography of person carrying soil


This company is under the legal status of a business entity called CV. Putra Bangun. with the brand name "KUJUMA".

Kujuma - comes from the Karo language, it means "Agriculture", Karo is one of the tribes in Republic of Indonesia. Started as a firm belongs to a farmer's son in North Sumatra, Republic of Indonesia.

We have been in existence since 2010, starting from a micro business until now, we have a broader vision to sell our agricultural products to export class, we are holding to form a brand called "KUJUMA" under the auspices of the company CV.Putra Bangun, Now we are adding to our personnel who are experienced in the world of exports to facilitate our transactions with buyers in every foreign country. With the experience we have had, we are sure that we will not disappoint our customers in terms of products and delivery.

We are determined and serious about developing and educating farmers and aiming to help farmers to be able to market and sell agricultural products in villages which are very abundant so they can be sold overseas. So that they can continue farming and not leave the village, and the next generation wants to continue farming again and in the minds of their successors, farming can also be promising for the future. In our opinion, the figure of farmers is very important to maintain food stability in the future.

Get in touch

+62 852 60647560